
Here are some special beauty tips for your personality.

* the first ant the for most thing in your personality is your skin,so lets talk about the beauty of skin first our skins need proper and complete care. To look younger and fresh use Exfoliation it cause to remove dead skin cells. There are many exfoliations available and you can also use home made tips like scrubs. Most important thing is to remember that don’t use any scrub hardly on your skin it can damage your skin massage it softly to get proper benefits. Don’t go to bed with makeup it can harm your skin firs clean your face.
* Second one is your hairs, hairs is of many types every type of hairs wants different types of cares according to its nature.
* Use of daily oiling makes your hairs shiny. massage of oil makes the circulation of blood easy.
* To avoid dandruff use 2 tab sp in water in make massage of it in your hairs regular use of it for 5 days will get ride of dandruff.
* Give protein treatment to your hairs once in a month don’t excess use of protein.
* Hands and feets also needs our special care treat your hands and feets to clean and groom your personality. You can treat them by simply pedicure at home.
* Heavy use of water can make your skin shiny.

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